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Cultivating the Maker Mindset

Creativity alone is not enough to impact change on the world. Yes, we encourage our students to think outside of the box, but are they equipped with the tools, knowlege-base and opportunities to express and apply their creativity? On the other hand, we have schools that present students with content and state-of-the-art tools, but fail to instill a creatvity and belief that their learned skills can be used in meaningful ways. Creativity, skills, application, opportunity are ideals that can be identified in makerspaces.

The maker movement emerged more than a decade ago and continues provide opportunities for students to experiment, explore and apply their learning in a hands-on environment. In the coming years, especially with the curriculum changes, I believe we will see the growth in the number of maker spaces or fab labs in BC Schools. Maker spaces provide the opportunity for self-directed learning, promotes collaboration and communication and inspires creativity - the core competencies recognized as essential cross-curricular skills.

As TLA Online's Blended learning program continues to explore opportunities to develop into a 21st century learning environment. As we consider opportunities like the maker movement, it will require strategic planning in the implementation of such a program.

Currently, TLA offers a information technology blended courses where tools like Lego Mindstorms, Raspberry Pi, 3D printing are being used. Students are walking away with skills that the majority of teachers are not even aware of. I believe that there is potential to grow a maker mentality in these courses further. This entails moving away from presciptive teaching to personalized learning.

But what about in the the younger years? I believe this is where we can start to cultivate the maker mindset. Perhaps we can host maker fairs or set up a maker lab. Maybe, we don't go to that extent, but it will require a teacher to re-work a lesson to infuse a maker mentality into their lessons whatever the subject. Enhance the opportunities for thinking creatively, to experiment with their learning, to go down their own learning pathways, etc.

The opportunity for change in how we do education is opened wider than it has been in a long time. The onus is on teachers to seize this opportunity and for leadership to initiate new vision for learning.



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