Bryan Young's OLTD ePortfolio
OLTD 501 - Intro to Online Learning

Online Design Learning Model
The Blended Classroom Piktochart
This is the online design learning model that I created using Piktochart to visually represent how blended learning is implmented at Traditional Learning Academy Online.
This process helped me to think through how the best of online learning and face-to-face learning can be combined in a learning environment. The process of designing a program enables me to reflect on our current practice and see how to refine how elements of planning, instruction, and assessment work together.
Outcome: Understand, design and commit to student success in online learning environments
This is important to my current role as the vice-principal of the blended learning program. I will share this visual with my team and parents to continue to create a greater understanding of this approach.
Annotated Bibliography
Theorist Summary
Pecha Kucha Presentation
***Seminar Team Summary Presentation
Summary of Tony Bates' "Designing Communities of Practice in a Digital Age"
In this assignment, Maureen and I summarized the ideas behind Bates' Communities of pracitice. This is a practical theory that I have integrated into my leadership approach. The idea is to build intentional networks surrounding the inquiry about a certain topic. These people share a passion for something and meet regularly. Our OLTD cohort reflects the basic principles of a learning community. For online teaching, we could aspire to create communities of learning amongst students or professional development amongst staff. The online platform increases the opportunity to connect with others where common barriers of time, location and other factors would not allow for in the past.