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Releasing the "Laws the Choke Creativity"

Reflection on Lawrence Lessig's TED Talk "Laws That Choke Creativity".

In a time where creativity students is being encouraged, Lessig's talk reminds us of the barriers that exist. These laws stifle the natural inclination of young people to create. I appreciate Lessig's approach of moving people from polarizing camps and towards a world of freer content.

Lessig exposes how current copyright laws are non-sensical in ways and inhibit the endless possibilities of students to create and re-mix content. Lessig celebrates this current time as one that is returning to a read-write culture through the various online technologies that we have access to. This is an age where content is readily available and students are placed in a position of how to make sense of this.

This may seem obvious, but one of the many roles of being an eductor is the role of releasing the creativity within our students. Part of this will only come if we are able to release the creativity in ourselves. What do I mean by this? Finding and expressing ourselves in our teaching. Open educational resources provide a greater platform than ever for teachers to be creators and re-mixers of content that enable our students to express their individuality.

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